Do you ride a bike?
Yes. A lot of them. Guilty,…I like bicycles. Please refer to detailed bio for more details. Bicycling remains my number one form of recreation and sport after all these years. I still get “race-jitters/excitement” even when I work at bicycle races/events.
I tried internet suggestions, and they are not helping. What now?
The internet is a frequent place to start your DIY research. The internet is full of well-intended recommendations/opinions that are difficult to apply to your specific needs.
It is time to visit BikePT/CorporeSanoPT when your clinic visit with Dr. Google, YouTube, and AI has not solved your problems.
BikePT/CorporeSanoPT is your experienced and trusted resource in bicycle position and bicycle function.
How are you different than a bike shop that offers bike fits?
Refer to my “Bio” section and I don’t sell bicycles from my inventory.
Do you use Retul or other systems?
I do not use current day dynamic systems for various reasons.
Excessive set up time for evaluation.
Five minutes of evaluation does not represent >1.5hr on the road.
“A fool with a tool is still a fool”. “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics”.
Error associated with marker placement can imply erroneous/unnecessary interventions.
Different dynamic systems are not reliable to each other. This can create challenges for the reproduction of outcomes.
There are limits to equity with the use of an expensive device.
Motion systems are an intriguing form of visual feedback to any athlete. Feedback is important but may be done in other ways. Any form of feedback is great for athlete/coach/movement specialist education. I provide feedback in meaningful ways other than the use of a dynamic system.
What’s up with the goniometer?
It’s not quite a slide rule (look it up). A goniometer is a reliable tool when used well by a well trained professional. Studies demonstrate reliability of dynamic measures (LED tracking methods) to static assessment (goniometer). Use of the goniometer is not only reliable in the hands of an experienced professional but allow greater efficiency with time and focus on things that truly matter,…like the bicyclist.
Goniometers are useful tools for those who practice and wisely apply the data. Goniometers are easy to acquire and allow for reliable assessment anywhere on the road. Much easier to transport.
Do you charge extra for triathlon or aero-bikes?
There are literally more screws on aero bikes, however, bikes are bikes. There should not be extra fees for different types of bikes. Time is time and time is money. Aerobikes may take more time to position and may be subject to more clinical time.
How many bike-fit/-positioning visits have you performed?
I have been practicing “bike” for over thirty years. I am well past the 10,000 mark as “required” for some level of mastery. It is my primary form of Physical Therapy practice at this point in my career.
What manufacturers do you retail/sell?
I currently stock parts from Full Speed Ahead/Vision, Specialized, Ergon, Easton, Look, Selle Italia, KASK, Selle San Marco, Prologo, Zipp, Ritchey, and Selle Royale. Limited to stock on hand. Special orders may be made but may be subject to shipping fees imposed by the wholesaler.
Why do you no longer accept insurance?
Insurance reimbursement for Physical Therapy services continues to decrease relative to the overall cost of doing business. Current reimbursement schemes favor multiple visits per hour by the Physical Therapist in smaller outpatient clinics. Time is money. Experience is worth more than what insurance companies reimburse.
I simply cannot provide individual bicycle services at the current insurance reimbursement rates.
Do you have Senior rates?
Yes! Regular, safe exercise is an important aspect of aging. I want to encourage, facilitate, and respect your successful aging process. Inquire at time of scheduling.
What is Bike related Physical Therapy/Physio?
In very general terms, bicycle physical therapy refers to the use of cycling as a form of rehabilitation or therapeutic exercise. It utilizes some form of a bicycle to improve physical function, mobility and overall health. Bicycles are beneficial for individuals with various conditions, injuries or disabilities as well as those without issue seeking health and recreation.
Some common conditions “treated” with bicycling include:
Orthopedic rehabilitation: Cycling can help in the recovery and rehabilitation of orthopedic injuries such as fractures, joint replacements, ligamentous tears and muscle strains. It provides a measured, low impact form of exercise that promotes joint mobility, strengthens muscles and improves cardiovascular fitness.
Cardiovascular Conditioning: Cycling is an excellent aerobic exercise that targets the cardiovascular system. It helps improve heart and lung function, enhances circulation, and increases overall strength and endurance. Bicycling can be beneficial for individuals with cardiovascular conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, or those recovering from cardiac surgery.
Neurological Rehabilitation: Individuals with neurological conditions such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, head injury, Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis can benefit from bicycling. Cycling improves coordination, balance, and motor control. Cycling can assist in regaining strength and mobility in affected limbs.
Body Composition Management: Regular bicycling can be an effective component of changing body composition. It helps burn calories, increases metabolism and promotes weight loss. Cycling is an excellent choice for those who need to start with a low-impact approach.
Mental Health and Well-being: Cycling has positive effects on mental health and overall well-being. It can reduce stress, anxiety and depression while promoting a sense of accomplishment and improved mood. Bicycling can be integrated into mental health treatment programs as a means of physical activity and relaxation.
Qualified Physical Therapists with good bicycle knowledge are excellent places to start with those having the above healthcare challenges. A Physio can help assess an individual’s condition and establish appropriate exercise parameters and monitor progress through the process. A qualified physio with bike knowledge can assist in choosing appropriate equipment and the position of that equipment to help ensure a successful adaptation to bicycling.
What is a Physical Therapists (PT) scope of practice?
Any good healthcare provider knows their scope of practice and knows when to refer to other providers. I am not your “be all” shop. I refer to and work with mechanics, bike sales, nutrition/dietician, specialty sport/strength/conditioning coaches, and other specialty healthcare providers. The health of an individual is a “team sport” performed by smart and caring people. I practice Physical Therapy. Physical Therapists treat people with movement and functional challenges and injuries. You are required to be a licensed Physical Therapist to practice Physical Therapy. No other healthcare providers can/may provide Physical Therapy services.
What does Corpore Sano mean?
“mens sana in corpore sano” is a old Roman belief in the Latin language. It is the idea that you need a healthy mind (mens) and a healthy body (corpore) to have health. Corpore Sano roughly means “healthy body”.
Custom sizing
Any interaction with any size-cycle product will only consider positional/postural tolerances and is no guarantee of final product and nuances in bicycle handling. Custom sizing should include postural tolerances and the advisement from bicycle builder and Physio to best realize your dream bicycle.
Are Physical Therapists and Physios the same?
Yes. Everyone else in the world calls the Physical Therapist a Physio.
What Bike Fit Method do you use?
I started “doing bike fit” for myself in rural eastern Washington in the mid 1980s. Eastern Washington in the 80’s was not the hot bed of international bike racing and center of bike positioning advisement. Bike fit at that time was mostly for the bike racer. I was unaware of bike fit “methods”. I later discovered fit methods as described by Greg LeMond when he became Tour de France famous and then later from “Fit Kit” as a bike shop employee. I was later influenced by the Colorado crew of Holmes/Pruitt and Burke while in Physical Therapy school. The work of Burke and Pruitt inspired me to do further research and develop my approach to clinical work with bicycles and bicyclists. My craft was honed with a healthy dose of racing, riding, coaching, and managing anything-bike. I experimented with motion analysis and motion capture systems but found them to be expensive, time consuming and not practical for all bicyclists. These systems did not make me more reliable with outcomes. These systems can be confusing, mis-leading to the client and impractical if the same system is not available at a time of need.
Is Bike Positioning the same as Bike Fit?
Kind of??? I prefer the term “positioning” over “fit”. It becomes a distinction between the levels of professional assessment and resultant intervention/strategy. I view the term bike fit as a term intended for bike shops and bike positioning for a well trained/practiced licensed healthcare provider. All people working with bicyclists hope to improve the experience and performance of the bicyclist.
What about measures from dynamic systems? Aren’t they the most complete/useful?
In ways,…no. Measures from dynamic systems are dependent on reproduction from dynamic systems and the person who took the measures. Any method of measurement has its source of errors.
It is critical to have the availability of the measuring method and the reliability of the measuring method. For example, if you land on a foreign planet and need to reassemble or reproduce your bike position. You will be best served having simple/reliable measures to reproduce your bicycle position. And, by the way,.. if you sat in a spaceship for as long as it currenly takes to get to Neptune, the recorded bicycle position would most likely not be appropriate by the time you got there.
It is great to have historical fit/positional data that most people can understand and replicate.
I want you to be able to assess/reassess your bicycle’s positional measures without being dependent on a certain machine.
It is a basic, rudimentary skill for you to be able to self-manage your equipment and its position while on the road.
Do you work with triathletes?
Yes! My first competitive bike event was on a triathlon relay team in 1984. I was an early fan/supporter of the emerging Kona Ironman and Race Across America. I treat triathletes like triathletes, speak triathlon, have coached triathlon, and have historically supported triathlon events. I am a trusted resource for Seattle’s local triathlon coaches for their athletes.
May I bring more than one bike?
Your scheduled time is your scheduled time. We may or may not have time. If you would like to split the time, it may mean we need to compromise some aspect of service delivery. In general, more bikes require more time and time is money. Please request more studio time ensure proper management of multiple bikes.
Do you sell bike parts?
I sell bicycle parts that are related to the bicycle fit/positioning process; stems, bars, saddles, seatposts, handlebar tape, grips, pedals, cleats, etc. I source from several manufacturers. Limited to stock on hand. Special orders are available.
Will you bill my insurance company for me?
No. I no longer bill your health insurance company on your behalf. Insurance no longer reimburses me for the time I need to best manage your bicycle case.
Will my insurance reimburse service at BikePT/CorporeSanoPT?
Insurers have different rules regarding reimbursable services. All insurance plans are very different and do not share the same benefits for all services. Please check with your insurance company’s limits/rules of their benefits to ensure they know their chosen product. Insurance will support situations where there is a diagnosed injury/dysfunction and there is demonstrated, reasonable standard of care provided by a licensed healthcare provider.
For example: My knee hurts when I ride my bike. I can’t ride my bike due to knee pain. The Physio diagnoses the issue and provides a skilled treatment intervention that includes biomechanical interventions, therapeutic activities and self care.
I can provide a bill/invoice that includes coding and references that demonstrate the presence of skilled intervention.
Insurance should not be used to pay for “performance” bike fit/positioning work.
Can I use my corporate managed FSA/HSA card to pay for services?
Yes! That is the perfect use of this type of benefit/resource.
Do I have to perform the recommended/suggested “homework”?
Only if you want to get better. I expect you to do the homework.
Are bike shops a good place to accommodate and care for injuries or medical conditions related to bicycling?
No, you are better off seeing a Physical Therapist/Physio who also has experience with bicycle/bicyclists. A licensed professional is the best place to go for injury screening, evaluation, prevention, treatment and planning.
What is BikePT?
BikePT is a business founded by Erik Moen PT that provides bicycle related education programs. BikeP’’s primary emphasis is the provision of bicycle-related healthcare programs performed by Physios and other healthcare providers. BikePT was formalized as a LLC in 2005 but its clinical roots started digging in around 1993.
Do I get free follow-up visits after the initial visit?
The brief answer is “no”. Under 5 minutes is complimentary. An example of that would be the verification of a basic measure or mild adjustment of saddle tilt, not performed on stand.